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That's FETCH! Event Calendar

All people and pets enter That’s FETCH! at their own risk.  Animal safety risks to people and pets are the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian/owner and/or self.

​That’s FETCH! assumes no responsibility of any accident/injury to any dog, child, and/or adult while at the That’s FETCH! store or anywhere on the Skyway Center property.

​Children and pets are to be well behaved and stay close to their parent/guardian/owner and monitored at all times.

June-                      Adopt a Shelter Cat Month
    5-11-       Pet Appreciation Week-   10% off all Petuccinos   .
     __-         Paw-It Forward Community Class 6:30-8 p.m.- "SHELTER  CAT COMMUNITY SERVICE
                      ACTIVITY" in honor of Adopt a Cat Month.  Register at That's FETCH! or call
                      xxx-xxxx; cost $5 per person. 50% of proceeds benefit the SBC Animal Care
   20-24-      Take Your Dog to Work Week
July-                                  National Dog House Repairs Month
                                                        Pets & Fireworks Awareness
      4-            Please Keep Your Pets Safe!
      11-          All American Pet Photo Day-  Professional photo sessions by Angelina's
                       Photography; cost $50 per pet family. 50% of proceeds benefit the SBC Animal Care
     21-         Paw-It Forward Community Class 6:30-8 p.m.- "NATIONAL CRAFT FOR YOUR LOCAL
                      SHELTER DAY". Register at That's FETCH! or call xxx-xxxx; cost $5 per person. 50%
                      of proceeds benefit the SBC Animal Care Foundation.
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