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10 am -6 pm
(closed Thursday)
(805) 361-0802
The Skyway Center
3564 Skyway Drive
Santa Maria, CA. 93455
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for store pick up
Using yellow button above
That's FETCH! Event Calendar
All people and pets enter That’s FETCH! at their own risk. Animal safety risks to people and pets are the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian/owner and/or self.
That’s FETCH! assumes no responsibility of any accident/injury to any dog, child, and/or adult while at the That’s FETCH! store or anywhere on the Skyway Center property.
Children and pets are to be well behaved and stay close to their parent/guardian/owner and monitored at all times.
February- Responsible Pet Owners Month
Dog Training Education Month
5- Free Seminar 6:30 p.m. "Myths of Pet Food Formulation and the Pet Food Industry"
Speaker: Rob Downey, CEO & President Annamaet Pet Food. Limited to 50 people, call 805-361-0802 to RSVP
14- Happy Valentail's Day
20- Love Your Pet Day
22- Walking the Dog Day
23- International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
23- World Spay Day
March- Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month
Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month
13- K-9 Veterans Day
15-21 National Animal Poison Prevention Week
23- National Puppy Day
30- Take a Walk in The Park Day
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